Alex K

Alex is a senior Government Affairs / Public Affairs manager with more than 20 years’ experience in international business (Shell) and politics (NL/international).

University Leiden (International Relations, History, Communications) and IMD Business School Lausanne (Business Management, Leadership Programmes).

Extensive national and international network amongst governments, international organisations, business leaders, think tanks, universities, media and civil society organizations.

Managed complex business related government affairs-issues in Shell with high business/financial value at stake in e.g. Europe, India, Oman. Also worked on business-government affairs projects in e.g. Singapore, Nigeria, South Africa, Russia, China, Ukraine and the US.

Senior HR experience. Managed a major reorganization in Shell Finance and a merger of two trading organisations. Both resulted in significant business added value.

Able to combine seemingly unrelated facts, situations, perceptions into relational issues and strategic theories and practical solutions. Able to successfully manage complex relationships with government officials and other external stakeholders at local, national and international level.

Published four books and various articles on political and historical subjects.

For more information, please contact [email protected] referencing N171272.