Erkal K

Erkal has managed, participated in and directed numerous technical assistance projects related to urban and regional development and management, SME development, sustainable development, capacity building and governance projects.

Erkal recently completed an EU funded project as a Regional Development Expert to improve the TR33 region’s economic profile by supporting the SMEs, through capacity building and training programmes. He also completed a World Bank supported project in Azerbaijan (Greater Baku Regional Development Plan) which included the issues related to the Greater Baku Regional Development including; economic diversification, rural and regional socio-economic development strategies, residential development strategies including housing markets and sustainable development scenarios, budget support programs, capacity building and institutional development strategies for the new development models.

Erkal has an extensive experience and knowledge in sectoral and cros-sectoral analysis; interaction between public, private and NGOs; as well as between main economic sectors, manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, etc. He has in depth knowledge and experience in local economic development (LED) strategies, sustainabvle development strategies and capacity building activities; he demonstrated his skills in this fields both in Azerbaijan (Greater Baku Regional Development Project) and Egypt (South Sinai Regional Development Project) projects. He successfully completed as a deputy team leader, a project related to capacity building – including budget support programs, institutional strengthening and decentralisation of powers to local governments and NGO’s in social and strategic planning in dealing with disadvantaged people, including social housing as well as social inclusion and support systems for immigrants of selected major Municipalities of Turkey.

He managed AUSAID funded capacity building and institutional development projects in Turkey, Egypt and Mongolia. Both in Turkey and Mongolia the projects established twinning partnerships and exchanged knowledge between different communities of subject countries and Australia/Canberra. Further to his urban planning and public policy background and experience, he has developed extensive skills on issues related to government finance and intergovernmental financial relations in Australia.

Erkal has in-depth knowledge and experience in data analysis and analytical methods and techniques, related to urban and environmental management and geographic modelling. He had contributed to the preparation of the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) state of the Environment (SOE) report while working as the senior professional officer for the ACT Government.

Erkal has extended knowledge and experience in needs assessment and based on this design and delivery of training packages related to both processes (project formulation, EU procedures, PCM, logical framework, etc.) and subject specific areas (eg. Rural and regional development strategies, sustainable development strategies, strategic planning, economic diversification strategies, project management, program management, etc.), as well as preparation of needs assessment, TORs and tender documents. Through his diverse and extensive experience, Erkal had demonstrated his proficiency in managing a range of aid program activities. He has an extensive experience in liaison and negotiation and has well developed communication skills.

Erkal has well-developed people management and strategic planning skills and extensive high-level representation experience. He has worked in different social, economic, and cultural environments. This helped him to develop a sound understanding of linkages between social, economic, cultural issues, and development and delivery mechanisms. He developed his skills in analysing complex information and strategic issues comprehensively and also in provision of policy advice in highly sensitive political environments.

For more information, please contact [email protected] referencing N183288.