George B

George is a reservoir surveillance petroleum consultant engineer. He is one of the technical team in Scimitar Co. and also one of the team in 3DOs Global Energy who responsible for Business Development in Middle East and Africa beside technical aspects.

He has 8 years practical experiences on reservoir management of heavy oil and condensate gas reservoir using different aspects of analysis (PVT SCAL well test) and material balance and composition material balance. He is experienced in preparing reservoir management plan to increase both short term production and ultimate oil recovery. He also has experience in reserve estimation according to SPE and other international standards.

He is leading his team to find the innovation strategies and smart application to sustain and/or increase the oil production with lowering the cost in the low oil price (like SPI: Steam Pulsing Injection – CGSW: Cyclic Group Steaming of Wells).

Currently he is working on a big project to define the smart predictive model forecast for production heavy oil from heterogeneous fracture carbonate using steam injection under supervision of professors in university.

For more information, please contact [email protected] referencing N17737.