John B

John has over forty years of experience in the energy business. He is President and CEO of the Vista Energy Group, a Managing Partner in Shale and Sands Oil Recovery, LLC, and CEO of Vista Lighting Inc. He is Executive Director of the nonprofit Sunlight Is Free, Inc. which is a charity providing off grid lighting in impoverished communities. He is also a former Commissioner on the Florida Energy Commission and is a member of Flagler College’s Public Administration faculty. He has served as a subject matter expert and expert witness providing litigation services in numerous securities and contract dispute related cases in both state and federal courts. He is also a highly experienced public speaker.

His history includes serving as President of Global Change Associates; Principal at Skipping Stone, Inc.; Founder, President and CEO of several energy companies and serving as a Full Scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in its Department of Nuclear Energy.

His areas of expertise include the restructuring and functioning of the electric and natural gas markets and infrastructure in the U.S. and Canada; solar energy regulation, finance and production including net metering and energy storage; unconventional oil and natural gas production from oil sands, shale formations and hydraulic fracturing technology; investment banking and analysis in the energy sector; commercial energy contract matters; mineral rights and royalties; energy market planning and analysis; application of small modular nuclear reactors; clean coal technologies; founding and building energy businesses; patent writing, submission and examination; generation plant siting, permitting and project finance; and mergers and acquisition, among others.

For more information, please contact [email protected] referencing N171298.